

Not sure if people are following the fall of Tesla, but this one made me laugh.

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I love The Onion. He seems to have recovered from his tryst with that toaster a couple of months ago...lol.

the #1 slot of the worst drivers on the road. 

I've heard that about the drivers, but last night in very slow, stop and go congested traffic, the only person who left room between their car and mine when we stopped was a Tesla driver. I've been rear-ended while stopped (1st car of 3) and am nervous about it happening again so I was happy he left some space.

And fuck Elon

Yeah, well, Portland's Pete Miser doesn't advertise for Tesla....


"stop a half mile away to let pedestrians cross...." 

Funny tune...."probably couldn't hit 60 if it fell off a cliff...."


i want him to utterly fail so much

fuck those cars

fuck him

I love my Model 3, probably the best car I've ever owned. Don't care much for the guy at the top, but I'm not a tool of ExxonMobil anymore.

No check engine light, used motor oil, transmission, exhaust, and all the crap that goes with it.

If it's not for you, that's fine, but it works really well for me.

Big oil wants EV's to fail, if it was up to them you'd be getting 5 MPG.

Jerry is probably right.

I couldn't even drive to Portland and back without staying the night to charge my car

you fuckin kidding me?

these are novelty whips for rat racers who sit in traffic and watch cnbc on their dashboard 

In the future people will say, " Remember when it took so long to charge an electric car.  Who has time to wait at a gasoline pump, they are so slow"...

I have no opinion about Tesla vehicles, but I will say that Elon is the douchiest douchebag who ever douched.

I couldn't even drive to Portland and back without staying the night to charge my car

you fuckin kidding me?

The jokes on you. I usually charge at home, between 11:30 and 6:30 with reduced rates.

When traveling, 240 miles of charge in 30-35 minutes. What are you driving that charges so slow?

When you go to the charging station they should be able to just pop your battery out and pop in a charged one.

5 min. tops.

Tesla batteries weigh 1000-1700 pounds.

People who know about these things and that isn't me say one of the best car deals out there right now is a used Model 3 as long as you can charge it at home, but my next car will be a plug in hybrid which seems to me to be the best of both worlds. 

That said Elon has done nothing but lie about the safety of his auto drive and the Tesla Truck is just him taking dump on the faces of his biggest supporters. 

Once the stock price drops to where it should be - around $5 to $10 a share it will be bought by the Fords or Mercedes of the world because even though he is a Nazi he did accelerate the move to EV's by a decade. 

Elon added a new design feature to let his customers know what he thinks of them.

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>>>>>Tesla batteries weigh 1000-1700 pounds.


Yeah, I know, but batteries should be getting lighter as new tech comes on line, plus I was thinking of some sort of mechanized battery switching.

Obviously would require new battery/car configuration.

My '06 Civic still gets 42mpg hwy and cost 5k purchase price 5 years ago. When there are hundreds of thousands of charging stations around the country and charging takes 15 min or less, i might think about a used electric.....if they are affordable.