Stanford Kidney Surgery


Logan is in surgery right now for new kidney (last attempt kidney failed and body rejected).  Prayers and fingers crossed all.

Or as they say in Germany, thumbs pressed. 

Wishing you the best possible outcome, Logan, and some vibes for your Grandma too.

Thx Mike.  You are a true mensch.

And, honorary member of the tribe too

Thx Mike.  You are a true mensch.

And, honorary member of the tribe too

Sorry for double, double post.


(((((( Logan ))))))))

Love to Logan. He should be in recovery by now.  Love , Love , Love to him and family.  Been through this with my wife.  From whats posted all sounds good. Got the word and made the decision this morning and in surgery by 5 p.m. That sounds good. Give Logan a few days and he should be feeling very much better. Donated kidneys work miracles. 

Sad to hear he had a rejection episode with a previous transplant.   Those can be horrific. I had a friend who went through that and never considered trying another transplant because that episode scarred him so. He did well on dialysis for many years , but that finally wore him down. Nothing easy about dialysis, some do better than others, but it is a steady albeit slow decline in all cases.

A transplant is not a declining processes, truly a miracle if all goes well.  So thinking of Logan tonight.  Hopefully news will all be good over the next couple days. Not sure why family is thinking a couple months recovery period, but obviously more going on medically.  Love, Love , Love  

TY Gunk.

Logan Update 1:


Logan, after 6 hour surgery, resting.  He is peeing, so kidney is working,  Nothing more so far.


TY for all the good wishes.

Logan Update 2:

Logan's new kidney working great.  Over the top:  He is peeing fantastic.  4-litres more than expected.  Out cold now on meds.  If continues like this, no more speed bumps for Logan

This is great news! Thanks for the updates, Andy.

That ain't just pissing in the wind.  Awesomeness!  

Great news, Andy. Thanks for letting us know.

right on tahoe!


Been thinking a lot of Logan today.  Heal up quick buddy!

Thx everyone.  Blood pressure spike, medicine controlled.  All good.  Snoring galore.

Best wishes for a speedy and successful recovery! 

Logan update 3:

Sitting up, eyes are wild (morphine buzz), enjoying his new kidney that seems to be working just fine.  All good so far.  TY Stanford and Zoners.

ps:  The parents finally got some sleep last night and a big breakfast this morning.  C o n g r a t s

Thanks for the update Andy. Great news!  Logan is much on my mind.  Having gone through this same thing with my wife, I'm just rooting for him.  My wife had been extremely diet restricted for 8 years while on dialysis and I can remember the look of joy on her face when she got to eat her first banana about 3 days after surgery. Precious snapshot in my brain.  Anything with Potassium is a no no for kidney dialysis patients. 6y7;'/ I'm so hoping no setbacks for Logan with this transplant.  Each day will just get better and better.  

Logan update 4:

He's doing soooooooooooo well moved out of ICU into regular room (a spare bed for mom too).  Checking into Ronald McDonald House next week.  Everyone is extremely happy.  Right on Logan!


Again, gunk, many thx.

So glad to hear all the excellent news. Beautiful. 

Did they find RV parking at Ronald McDonald house or on campus? Or just skipping the RV? 


Did Logan's family connect with Ryder's? 

Yes, contacted all.  In the end, didn't need space for Motor Home.  Logan doing so well moved into regular room.  Thx for everyone's support zoners.  Much appreciated.  

Such good news.  I'm very happy to hear his new room has a spare bed for Mom.  Staff tends to be a little more diligent when a family member is in the room. Also family can ask the questions or pass on information if a patient happens to be sleeping or some such thing. 

Always better to have a family advocate in the room. Medical staff has taken a big hit with this 3 plus years of Covid.  They are short staffed and been living very stressed lives. Thank God things have calmed down, but the cumulative effect of Covid has been pretty big.  Give staff lots of love, but don't be intimidated to ask questions of things not clearly understood.  You go Logan.  

Still rooting for Logan.  Hopefully the toughest part is behind him at this point.  Love, Love, Love to Logan and family.

Logan update 5:

Logan is up and walking, moving around quite a bit actually.  Everything going super well.


Again, zoners, thx for support.

Logan yesterday morning.

Logan -- 04-28-2024.jpg

Great news and great pic.  Thanks so much for posting the pic.  I didn't realize Logan was so young.  Obviously this lad has been through a lot of tough times in his life.  I really hope this transplant is a major change on the medical front and he can get back to a life not revolving around medical issues.  He looks great.  I see he still has a central line. Hopefully that will be coming out soon. I'm rooting for you Logan and will continue to think great things for you. 

Logan update 6:

Released from Stanford.  Now at Ronald Mcdonald House.  Friday:  all the fast food he can consume.  Yeah.  Doing fantastic!!!

Wow, I didn't realize Logan was a young'n either, hated seeing young kids w/ medical issues during my hospital tenure, thrilled he's on the mend!!!  And all the fast food he can eat, score!!!   Best wishes for a continued and speedy recovery!!!


>>>all the fast food he can consume.  Yeah.  Doing fantastic!!

Great news and great updates.   I had no idea he was this young too.  Painful to see kids dealing with medical challenges.   Hoping he's fully back to being a kid soon.   

Still rooting for Logan. Thinking of you daily young lad.  Heal up and have a great life. 

So today is all the fast food Logan can consume? I hope it happened, he's happy and his body is able to tolerate it. Heck of a milestone.

Logan pigged out Friday but said "better at McDonald's restaurants."


Thanks again zoners for support.  Soooooooooooo much appreciated.

Such good news. Please keep us posted now and again. 

Logan was out in yard playing and the other kids are like "why you here.  You don't look sick.  Where are your wires, etc???"  So funny.

Love to Logan and Family. Hope all is well.