biden on stern


surprise friday live interview

sleepy howie 

softballs thrown


joe rogan victory

there goes democracy

taylor saves



^ TOD that's either a brilliant haiku or you're texting while driving?

Pretty awful interview. Biden rambling on with boring, pointless tales.

Stern an absolute shell of his former self, peppering Biden with inane questions.

The definition of inauthentic. 





Interesting, I heard it very differently. Stern focused on a specific part of Biden's life. I'd previously heard bits and pieces, but not the whole story. It wasn't a political interview, nor was it intended to be.

Biden came across as real and decent.  A significant contrast with Trump.  Was it boring?  heck yes - but who the heck cares?  I don't want a reality show presidency - do you?  

 I don't want a reality show presidency - do you?  <<<<

This might be hard to believe but one can still recognize Joe Biden as a bozo, while not endorsing Donald Trump. 

what exactly makes Biden a bozo?  his stutter?  his age?  was the passage of the CHIPS Act buffoonish?  Infrastructure  bill? lowering RX drug costs?  mandating that airlines immediately reimburse in cash?  protecting reproductive rights?  did you listen to interview?  watch the correspondent's dinner?  if you think that's a bozo, I don't know what else to say and perhaps you can explain 

It was a great interview.  Biden has compassion, Trump has NONE.

This is for all the doubters. Can't think of a worse thing than 'Father America' bashing the people who protect it:

> Biden rambling on with boring, pointless tales...Stern an absolute shell of his former self

Joe seemed on point for what this interview was, but yeah, Howard has gone all soft and squishy, no doubt.

Hey Tatters I would put Biden in the Bolo camp. 

Biden is indeed better inclined to be on the bolo bus. Excellent point VT.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 162505.png

Joe enjoyed his peace and quiet and was always up for a game of Pinochle, so he usually sat in the back of the bus with PigPen.

Howard had a theme for this interview:


he said this morning he didn't want the thing rife with politics

he wanted to humanize the prz like he has with so many others. hillary included. albeit many years too late

methinks tod and whoever long for a howard who had trump on to rate chicks

howard will be the first to tell you therapy 4 days a week for 30(?) years has changed him

by the by, last week was a game called cock or sausage

also, cumming or screaming was the other day

so he's still him

just not the schmuck some of you dopes think he is/was/or oughtta be

lastly i will say baba booey had been working on this since the election

they said it got serious in the last 4 months

the entire sirius building was shut down & nobody knew why

say what you will

and oh jp and the other clowns will, lol

howard is a legend who has earned his status and joe is an ok guy despite being a lifelong politician for the most part

still wish we had bernie, all that said


HCR rocks

>>HCR rocks


my man turned me onto her, as he has followed her forever on fb

she is wordy, worth reading usually